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FX-9860G C/Assembly Add-Ins

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By: sentaro21 875 clicks
Ftune2 (SH7305 CPG&BSC tuning utility)

fx-9860GII-2 has been used is SH4A CPU called SH7305.
It is similar to SH7724 (by RENESASS).

This tool modify CPG(Clock Pulse Generator) and BSC(Bus State Controller).

Your Calculator to the world of over 200MHz!!
memory speed test automatically.
freq/wait settings store and recall with the function key.
Save setting to file (main memory). load data automatically on the next run.

weak points:
As for this tool, test is insufficient.
Unexpected malfunction may happen.
Battery consumptions considerably increase at the over clock.



Core clock is effective in a small program.
Overall performance is influenced by bus clock.

This program was based on Pover(by Ashbad).
developed by CASIO SDK(Ftune2).

fxReverse project documentation,
SuperH-based fx calculators,
Cemetech WikiPrizm,
served as a reference very much.

Very thanks for result of the analysis of all senior user.

I would be happy if this tool is useful for you.

-- related links --

-- related topics --

v1.01 2015. 2.28
-To solve problems in memtest failure.(When PLL limit is low, and memory limit is high.)
-renewed some source codes. as a result, file size decreased.

v1.00b 2014.12.21
-fixed benchmark result of CPU.(adjustment alignment)
-RAM write safety zone (reverse dsp) 90%->95%.
-default preset change F3:same as SH3.

====== WARNING!!! ======================================================
This tool is made to work safely, but unknown malfunction may happen.
This tool can cause damage on your calculator!
Use it at your own risk.
will not be responsible for any damage.
Uploaded by sentaro21[Write a comment][Rate this file]2014-11-15 (06:24 CET)
By: sentaro21 376 clicks
fx-9860G/GII series has been used is SH3 CPU called SH7337/SH7355.
It is similar to SH7705 (by RENESASS).

This tool modify CPG(Clock Pulse Generator) and BSC(Bus State Controller).

This tool can modify wait states,
if decrement, improved more calculator performance.
freq/wait settings store and recall with the function key.
Save setting to file (main memory). load data automatically on the next run.

weak points:
As for this tool, test is insufficient.
Unexpected malfunction may happen.
Battery consumptions considerably increase at the over clock.


-- related links --

-- related topics --

v1.01 2015. 2.28
-renewed some source codes. as a result, file size decreased.
-There is no functional change.

v1.00b 2014.12.21
-fixed emulator not working.
-benchmark address of I/O changed (0xA44C0014).

====== WARNING!!! ======================================================
This tool is made to work safely, but unknown malfunction may happen.
This tool can cause damage on your calculator!
Use it at your own risk.
will not be responsible for any damage.
Uploaded by sentaro21[Write a comment][Rate this file]2014-11-15 (04:57 CET)
By: veb with the help of other programers 744 clicks
Luafx is a lua interpretor on fx9860 and AFX.

The syntax is the same than lua (easy to learn), but the functions are specific for the calc.

The package include some examples and some lua libraries (modules)
Uploaded by veb[Write a comment][Rate this file]2012-05-19 (15:53 CEST)
By: PierrotLL 2856 clicks

Gravity Duck is a remake of this flash game.

You are a duck that controls gravity, and you have to pick up the egg through 40 treacherous levels.
Game made in 48h for planet-casio "Ludum Dare" competition.

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggUt390bmAo
Uploaded by PierrotLL1 commentRating: 10/102011-11-04 (03:29 CET)
By: Nicocreation 1252 clicks
Lock that calc!

With this addin, you can set a password to lock your calc with.


Run the "FxLock" addin.

enter your password

enter your password again (for verification).

press menu and turn your calc off

to unlock calc, type in password

if you forget your password, press the restart button on the back of your calc.
Uploaded by mfischer[Write a comment]Rating: 6/102011-11-03 (18:36 CET)
By: Unknown 1104 clicks
This is a help file for your calculator. It emulates the help function that FX-9860 slims have.
Uploaded by mfischer[Write a comment][Rate this file]2011-11-02 (23:38 CET)
By: Hugh 966 clicks
Reckon is a replacement calculator for the Casio fx-9860g calculator.

Some reasons to use Reckon are:

· Real-time Graphing

· High accuracy

· Complex numbers

· Matrices

· Large integers & Rationals

· Unit Conversions

· RPN and ALG entry formats.

· It's free!

To Install Reckon download the add-in application RECKON.G1A and install it using the Casio FA-124 installation tool. http://www.voidware.com/reckon/RECKON.G1A

Download the pdf user manual here: http://www.voidware.com/reckon/Reckon.pdf.

The current version is 1.16. New versions will be posted to this page.

For more information, visit the Voidware Forum. http://www.voidware.com/smf/
Uploaded by mfischer[Write a comment][Rate this file]2011-11-02 (22:17 CET)
By: Veb and Several others, including: louloux and Eiyron 429 clicks
LuaFX Demo with source.

Same resources as luaFX Demo (no source)

Please stay tuned in this developement stage!

- Fixed problem with key(0) -- You can now check if any key is pressed.
- Fixed bug with misc.contrast
Uploaded by mfischer[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102011-09-22 (20:48 CEST)
By: Veb and several others 343 clicks
This is the beta version of Lua for FX-9860.

Official thread on Casio-Planet(french): http://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/topic9817-1-LUA-FX-g85.html

Official Thread on CasioCalc.org: https://www.casiocalc.org/?showtopic=4844

- Fixed problem with key(0) -- You can now check if any key is pressed.
- Fixed bug with misc.contrast
Uploaded by mfischer[Write a comment][Rate this file]2011-09-12 (20:35 CEST)
By: Vanhoa 1522 clicks
This is battleship for the fx-9860 it has a 2 player mode, and an ai one player mode. There're 3 kind of screen:

*Menu screen: press [Up]/[Down] to move, [Exit] to return to th main menu, [Exe] to select;
*"Place your ship" screen: Dir keys: move cur, [Shift]+Dir keys: move the ship, [F4]/[F5]: roate ship, [Exe]: finish; [Exit]: return to game menu;
*"Call your shot" screen: Dir keys: move cur, [Shift]: submit, [Exit]: return to game menu;
Uploaded by mfischer[Write a comment][Rate this file]2011-09-12 (19:32 CEST)
By: Paul White 1624 clicks
Awesome Drag raceing game by paul white. Designed after drag race V3 for pc. Buy and sell cars and car parts. Race to win money.

In game playing guide.


EXE: Gas

shift: Gear up

alpha: gear down

Uploaded by mfischer1 commentRating: 1/102011-09-12 (19:25 CEST)
By: louloux 332 clicks
Ce programme est une version démo et ne contient actuellement que 7 niveaux

Un jeu adapté de la version apple iPod touch.

Le jeu de la souris qui doit manger ses gruyères sans sortir de l'écran.

Une pression sur une touche entraîne la souris dans une direction où seul un obstacle peut l'arrêter.

Ne foncez pas tête baissée il s'agit de casse-tête. Prenez le temps de réfléchir le temps n'est pas compté, et une erreur vous fait tout recommencer !

Ceci est mon premier add-in, j'espère qu'il vous plaira.

Cette version est une démo très courte pour montrer la tête du jeu.
Evidemment les niveaux présents sont très simples et il n'y en a que 7.
La version finale devrait en compter plusieurs dizaines.

Bon jeu, donnez votre avis !
Uploaded by louloux[Write a comment]Rating: 6/102011-07-05 (15:54 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 9398 clicks
Dear English-speaking friends:

The team of computer adventurers XOROS, presents REACXOR(G1A), 2011 version.

REACXOR is an application written completely in English, but it is understandable thanks to the graphics of its Dynamic GRAPHIC MENU.

REACXOR obtains starting from few data (geometric, physical data, Restrictions, etc.), the numeric values of the characteristics of the 2D structures: frames, beams, marks, grilled-structures.

The interface of REACXOR is easy to use, because it is based on the visual treatment of DYNAMIC MENUS and the results can it turns one and another time without necessity of re-entering the INITIAL DATA again.

The new APPLICATIONS of XOROS Inc., among them REACXOR, conserves the numeric values of the last analyzed structure, in its own folder [REACXOR7]. This allows to execute any APPLICATION of the calculator fx-9860G, and then to return to REACXOR.

The data of the folder of REACXOR, [REACXOR7] are PORTABLE. This means that they can be read, transferred, copied, etc., from the calculator, to a card SD, or to the computer. Also they can be saved in a memory FLASH or in a CD, for purposes of recreation again.

To observe with more clarity like REACXOR works, visit the following link: http://www.mediafire.com/CASIO-TARIJA

Very Sincerely, The XOROS Team...
Uploaded by Von Pretorius1 commentRating: 5/102011-06-08 (15:24 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 9332 clicks
Dear friends of English Language:

The XOROS team presents the Demo-Version of "INERCIAS.G1A", which was completely written in Spanish. "INERCIAS.G1A" is an CASIO-aplication that obtain the geometric values of any known section or the sum of known sections.

Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:

El equipo de aventureros informaticos XOROS, presenta la version DEMO Autorizada de "INERCIAS.G1A".

Super-INERCIAS 2011 es una aplicacion escrita en un sotano.

Super-INERCIAS 2011 es una aplicacion que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingenieria, tales como Ingenieria Civil, Ingenieria Mecanica, Ingenieria Industrial e inclusive Ingenieria Electrica y Electronica.

Super-INERCIAS 2011 obtiene a partir de pocos datos los valores numericos de las propiedades geometricas de una seccion simple o compuesta (varias figuras), recurriendo a los Procedimientos y Teoria del TEOREMA de STEINER.

El interfaz de Super-INERCIAS 2011 es facil de usar, usando un entorno de MENU DINAMICO GRAFICO, y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS.

Super-INERCIAS 2011 obtiene para una seccion simple o compuesta los valores de Area, Posicion del centroide en el eje X, Posicion del Centroide en el eje Y, Momento de Inercia respecto al eje X, Momento de Inercia respecto al eje Y, Producto de Inercia respecto al Plano XY, Momento de Inercia M¡nimo respecto a su propio eje X, Momento de Inercia Minimo respecto a su propio eje Y, Producto de Inercia Minimo respecto a sus propios ejes centroidales, Inercia Polar minima y respecto a ejes globales.

Super-INERCIAS 2011 grafica con facilidad la(s) secciones ingresada(s) y visualiza todo el Procedimiento de Steiner, mediante una Hoja Electronica, a la cual se puede acceder las veces que se requiera. Espero que disfruteis de esta APLICACION.

Las nuevas APLICACIONES de XOROS Inc., entre ellas Super-INERCIAS 2010, conservan los valores numericos de la Opcion ejecutada (la ultima), en su propia CARPETA [XINERCIA]. Esto permite ejecutar cualquier APLICACION de la calculadora fx-9860G, y luego volver a Super-INERCIAS 2011.

Los datos de la carpeta de Super-INERCIAS 2011, [XINERCIA], son PORTABLES. Esto quiere decir que se asegura que ellos puedan ser leidos, trasladados, copiados, etc., desde la calculadora, a una tarjeta SD, o al computador. Asimismo pueden ser grabados en una memoria FLASH o en un CD, para cuando se requiera recrear nuevamente el EJERCICIO EJECUTADO.

Para observar con mas claridad como trabaja Super-INERCIAS 2011, visitad el siguiente enlace:


Muy Atentamente,

Equipo XOROS, desde TARIJA, el sur de la Republica de Bolivia
Uploaded by Von Pretorius1 commentRating: 10/102011-05-18 (16:27 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 9730 clicks
Dear friends of English Language:

The XOROS team presents the Demo-Version of "SUELOS.G1A", which was completely written in Spanish. "SUELOS.G1A" is an CASIO-aplication that classifies soils for purposes of highway uses.

Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:

El equipo de aventureros informaticos XOROS, presenta la version DEMO Autorizada de "SUELOS.G1A".

"SUELOS.G1A" es una aplicacion escrita completamente en ESPANHOL, pero es entendible gracias a los graficos de su MENU GRAFICO Dinamico.

"SUELOS.G1A" es una aplicacion que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingenieria, tales como Ingenieria Civil, Arquitectura, Ingenieria Industrial, Construciones Civiles, etc.

"SUELOS.G1A" obtiene a partir de pocos datos (Limite Liquido, Limite Plastico, T10, T40, T200, etc.), el grupo al que pertenece una muestra de suelo (dentro de rangos coherentes), segun los sistemas de clasificaccion AASHTO y SUCS.

El interfaz de "SUELOS.G1A" Es facil de usar, pues se basa en el tratamiento visual de MENUS DINAMICOS y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS INICIALES.

Las nuevas APLICACIONES de XOROS Inc., entre ellas "SUELOS.G1A", conservan los valores numericos del ultimo ejemplo realizado, en su propia CARPETA [SUELOS07]. Esto permite ejecutar cualquier APLICACION de la calculadora fx-9860G, y luego volver a "SUELOS.G1A".

Los datos de la carpeta de "SUELOS.G1A", [SUELOS07], son PORTABLES. Esto quiere decir que se asegura que ellos puedan ser leidos, trasladados, copiados, etc., desde la calculadora, a una tarjeta SD, o al computador. Asimismo pueden ser grabados en una memoria FLASH o en un CD, para cuando se requiera recrear nuevamente el EJERCICIO EJECUTADO.

Para observar con mas claridad como trabaja "SUELOS.G1A", visitad el siguiente enlace:


Si teneis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudeis en escribir.

Muy Atentamente, Equipo XOROS
Uploaded by Von Pretorius1 commentRating: 10/102011-05-09 (19:06 CEST)
By: Simon Lothar 1824 clicks
INSIGHT is a developer tool
Uploaded by mohammedyasser1 commentRating: 10/102011-04-26 (21:30 CEST)
By: olortegui 786 clicks
Manual para hacer un proyecto en el sdk c/c++ .
Como ejemplo hacemos la serie de Fibonacci.

Manual to make a proyect in the sdk c/c++.
As an example we Fibonacci series.
Uploaded by olortegui[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102010-11-13 (01:24 CET)
By: ing jonathan fernandez 602 clicks
tablas termodinamicas esta version beta incluye las tablas para h2o si no encuentra el valor en la tabla el valor es interpolado automaticamente

thermodynamic tables This beta version includes tables for h2o if the program do not find the value in the table the progran interpolated automatically
Uploaded by jfrheavy[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-09-24 (18:24 CEST)
By: Mario Roy 1417 clicks
-- UTIL.G1A including source.
Utility add-on for the Casio fx-9860G series 1. Set CPU Speed: Normal, Double, or Quad 2. Reset Calculator

Press [EXE] for bench result. Number is # of additions completed in 1/10th of a second.
Press [AC] to clear the result.

This add-on was made possible by the Revolution-FX library http://sourceforge.net/projects/revolution-fx/

The v1.1 release overcomes an issue with the revolution-fx library.
There is no need to reset the calculator when switching from quad to lower speeds.
The fix is to use a "word access" to write to FRQCR when changing frequency.
Uploaded by meroy[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-09-13 (04:02 CEST)
By: Luis Olortegui 499 clicks
Programa para convertir circuitos delta a estrella y viceversa.
Para los modelos fx 9860g

Program to convert delta to star circuits and vice versa.
For the fx 9860G

luisolortegui AT hotmail DOT com
Uploaded by olortegui[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-08-28 (02:50 CEST)
By: Luis Olortegui 406 clicks
Programa para calcular la serie de Fibonacci de un número N, para la Calculadora FX 9860G Program to calculate the Fibonacci series of a number N, for FX 9860G Calculator

luisolortegui AT hotmail DOT com
Uploaded by olortegui[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-08-28 (02:45 CEST)
By: PierrotLL 1339 clicks

Hard Game is an adaptation of this flash game : The World Hardest Game

It's "aapman55" who asked me to make this game yesturday on casiokingdom.com

It now has 8 levels.

Video of the game.
Uploaded by PierrotLL[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-06-22 (14:17 CEST)
By: PierrotLL 1421 clicks

Orton and the Princess is an adaptation of the eponymous flash game (link)

Help Orton to rescue the princess in this platform game.

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Humu75sbp1A
Uploaded by PierrotLL[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-06-21 (02:08 CEST)
By: PierrotLL 1850 clicks

A little game fun to kill time.
You should sort the little balls, the black ones to the left and the white ones to the right.
When you won, you can retry with 4 more balls.
Uploaded by PierrotLL[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-03-25 (23:40 CET)
By: PierrotLL 1850 clicks

A simple falldown for fx 9860.
The speed increases slowly.
Uploaded by PierrotLL[Write a comment][Rate this file]2010-03-25 (22:46 CET)
By: Rafael Oros 15719 clicks
Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:
Dear friends of English Language:

El equipo de aventureros informaticos XOROS, presenta la version DEMO Autorizada de REACXOR(G1A).

The XOROS team presents the Demo-Version of REACXOR.G1A, which in spity was completely written in Spanish. REACXOR is an CASIO-aplication that works on BIDIMENTIONAL STRUCTURES.

REACXOR es una aplicacion escrita completamente en ESPANHOL, pero es entendible gracias a los graficos de su MENU GRAFICO Dinamico.

REACXOR es una aplicacion que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingenieria, tales como Ingenieria Civil, Arquitectura, Ingenieria Industrial, Ingenieria Mecanica, incluso puede usarse sin problemas en los niveles secundarios de Escolaridad, etc.

REACXOR obtiene a partir de pocos datos (datos geometricos, fisicos, Restricciones, etc.), los valores numericos de las caracteristicas de las estructuras (reticulados, vigas, porticos, emparrillados) en dos dimensiones (x, y).

El interfaz de REACXOR es facil de usar, pues se basa en el tratamiento visual de MENUS DINAMICOS y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS INICIALES.

Las nuevas APLICACIONES de XOROS Inc., entre ellas REACXOR, conservan los valores numericos de los valores de la estructura analizada (la ultima), en su propia CARPETA [REACXOR7]. Esto permite ejecutar cualquier APLICACION de la calculadora fx-9860G, y luego volver a REACXOR.

Los datos de la carpeta de REACXOR, [REACXOR7], son PORTABLES. Esto quiere decir que se asegura que ellos puedan ser leidos, trasladados, copiados, etc., desde la calculadora, a una tarjeta SD, o al computador. Asimismo pueden ser grabados en una memoria FLASH o en un CD, para cuando se requiera recrear nuevamente el EJERCICIO EJECUTADO.

Para observar con mas claridad como trabaja REACXOR, visitad el siguiente enlace:


Si teneis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudeis en escribir a:

Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com

Muy Atentamente, Equipo XOROS
Uploaded by Von Pretorius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102009-07-28 (18:10 CEST)
By: PierrotLL 1294 clicks
Indestructo Tank is a clone of a popular flash game created by Armor Games.

Your tank is indestructable, and you have to jump on enemies with their bombs to kill them.

I had the idea with the video of the version ti84

Update 08/12/2009, version 1.1
- Explosions added
- 2 new weapons for ennemis
- High displayed when tank is out of screen
- Pause menu added
- Deathless mode when you finish the game
- Difficulty adjusted
- Gameplay improved

Try it !!
Uploaded by PierrotLL[Write a comment][Rate this file]2009-06-15 (22:50 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 10859 clicks
Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:
Dear friends of English Language:

El equipo de aventureros informaticos XOROS, presenta la version DEMO Autorizada de FAXOR(G1A).

The XOROS team presents the Demo-Version of FAXOR.G1A, which in spity was completely written in Spanish. FAXOR is an CASIO-aplication that works on ELECTRIC CIRCUITS.

FAXOR es una aplicacion escrita completamente en ESPANHOL, pero es entendible gracias a los graficos de su MENU GRAFICO Dinamico.

FAXOR es una aplicacion que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingenieria, tales como Ingenieria Civil, Ingenieria Industrial, Ingenieria Mecanica, Ingenieria Electrica, Ingenieria Electronica, Ingenieria Informatica, incluso puede usarse sin problemas en los niveles secundarios de Escolaridad, etc.

FAXOR obtiene a partir de pocos datos (Resistividad, Capacidad, Inductividad, Resonancia, etc.), los valores numericos de las caracteristicas de sus circuitos electricos, tales como Voltaje, Corriente, Carga Electrica, Capacidad, Resistividad, Resonancia, etc.

El interfaz de FAXOR es facil de usar, pues se basa en el tratamiento visual de MENUS DINAMICOS y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS INICIALES.

FAXOR esta acompanhado de graficos segun el circuito elegido (en SERIE, en PARALELO, SERIE en PARALELO, PARALELO en SERIE, configuraciones TRIANGULO-ESTRELLA, etc.). Los resultados obtenidos se pueden visualizar en una Hoja Electronica, a la cual se puede acceder las veces que se requiera.

A diferencia de las otras APLICACIONES de XOROS Inc., FAXOR guarda los valores numericos de los valores del circuito elegido (el ultimo), en su propia CARPETA [FAXOR077]. Esto permite ejecutar cualquier APLICACION de la calculadora fx-9860G, y luego volver a FAXOR.

Los datos de la carpeta de FAXOR, [FAXOR077], son portables. Esto quiere decir que se asegura que ellos puedan ser leidos, trasladados, copiados, etc., desde la calculadora, a una tarjeta SD, o al computador. Asimismo pueden ser grabados en una memoria FLASH o en un CD, para cuando se requiera recrear nuevamente el EJERCICIO EJECUTADO... Claro, en una calcudora.

Si teneis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudeis en escribir a:

Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com

Muy Atentamente, Equipo XOROS
Uploaded by Von Pretorius3 commentsRating: 7/102009-05-23 (17:43 CEST)
By: Kelli (Olli Lahtinen) 2729 clicks
Simple snake game with very smooth gameplay and various control schemes.

- High Scores (up to 3 scores)
- 3(4) different control modes (Arrows, 8-4-6-2, 7-3, 9-1)
- 3 difficulty modes (Easy, Medium, Hard)


- Kelli
Uploaded by Kelli[Write a comment][Rate this file]2009-05-21 (20:21 CEST)
By: Kelli 7173 clicks
After finding out that there was newer version of kucalcs Revolution FX I wanted to create a game that really represents it's power. And now, after four long days it's here.


This is not original wolfenstein 3D or partly made port, It's fully my creation from scratch and so it doesn't have all the features original game had.

- Awesome graphics
- Smooth gameplay
- 9 different levels
- 3 difficulty modes (easy, normal, hard)
- 3 game speed modes (slow, normal, fast)
- 2 weapons (knife and pistol)
- every level has treasures and secret places
- Best score is saved


- Move: Arrows
- Shoot: Shift
- Open door: alpha
- Knife: F1
- Pistol: F2
- Show hud: F5
- Hide hud: F6
- Pause: Menu


Please rate and comment.

- Kelli
Uploaded by Kelli2 commentsRating: 10/102009-05-20 (14:36 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 9848 clicks
Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:

En respuesta a los multiples e_mails recibidos, el Equipo XOROS, presenta la version DEMO Autorizada de TXOROS(G1A).

TXOROS es una aplicacion escrita completamente en ESPANHOL.

TXOROS es una aplicacion que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingenieria, tales como Ingenieria Civil, Ingenieria Industrial, etc.

TXOROS obtiene a partir de pocos datos (Longitudes mayor y menor de una LOSA, Lx y Ly), los valores numericos de las caracteristicas de LOSAS RECTANGULARES, REACCIONES Y MOMENTOS de los lados de las LOSAS.

El interfaz de TXOROS es facil de usar, se basa en el tratamiento visual de MENUS DINAMICOS y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS INICIALES.

TXOROS esta acompanhado de graficos de las LOSAS para poder seguir todo el Procedimiento del Metodo de CZERNY, mediante una Hoja Electronica, a la cual se puede acceder las veces que se requiera.

A diferencia de las otras APLICACIONES de XOROS Inc., TXOROS guarda los valores numericos del panel de LOSAS Calculado (el ultimo), en su propia CARPETA [TXOROS77]. Esto permite ejecutar cualquier APLICACION de la calculadora fx-9860G, y luego volver a TXOROS.

Si teneis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudeis en escribir a:

Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com

Muy Atentamente, Equipo XOROS
Uploaded by Von Pretorius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102009-05-13 (18:03 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 10072 clicks
Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:

En respuesta a los multiples e_mails recibidos, el Equipo XOROS, presenta la versi¢n DEMO Autorizada de H2O-STSP.

H2O-STSP es una aplicacion que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingenieria, tales como Ingenieria Civil, Ingenieria Hidraulica, Ingenieria Industrial e inclusive Ingenieria Electrica y Electronica.

H2O-STSP obtiene a partir de pocos datos los valores numericos de las propiedades hidraulicas de un Sistema de Tuberias, en SERIE o en PARALELO, Configuracion SERIE-PARELO, en sus Tipos: TIPO R y TIPO O, basandose en la Teoria del TEOREMA de OROS.

El interfaz de H2O-STSP es facil de usar, se basa en el tratamiento visual de MENUS DINAMICOS y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS.

H2O-STSP obtiene para un Sistema de Tuberias los valores caracteristicos hidraulicos como PERDIDA de CARGA y SUBCAUDAL, ademas de la FRICCION del Sistema.

H2O-STSP esta acompa¤ado de graficos para poder seguir todo el Procedimiento del TEOREMA de OROS, mediante una Hoja Electronica, a la cual se puede acceder las veces que se requiera.

A diferencia de las otras APLICACIONES de XOROS Inc., H2O-STSP guarda los valores numericos del Sistema Calculado (el ultimo), en su propia CARPETA [H2O-STSP]. Esto permite ejecutar cualquier APLICACIàN de la calculadora fx-9860G..., y luego volver a H2O-STSP.

Si teneis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudeis en escribir a:

Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com

Muy Atentamente, Equipo XOROS
Uploaded by Von Pretorius1 commentRating: 10/102009-05-04 (18:58 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 9723 clicks

Los Triangulos, aunque parecen simples, en algun momento nos condecen al concepto de Espacio N-Dimensional con curvaturas Positivas o Negativas.. Dedibo a esto XOROS Inc., presenta la aplicacion TRIAXOR, la misma que es un clasico Evaluador de TRIANGULOS, una aplicacion MATEMATICA en VERSION DEMO...

Espero que disfruteis de esta aplicacion...

Cualquier sugerencia, solo escribid a Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com Saludos desde Tarija, BOLIVIA...
Uploaded by Von Pretorius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102009-04-23 (23:08 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 10067 clicks

Esperamos que disfruten de la Version DEMO de ECUAXOR, una aplicacion que resuelve POLINOMIOS con coeficientes complejos de grado dos hasta ocho..

ECUAXOR es una aplicacion orientada hacia las matematicas superiores... La version Profesional de ECUAXOR resuelve Polinomios hasta grado 25...

Un saludo desde Tarija, Bolivia..
Uploaded by Von Pretorius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102009-04-23 (01:21 CEST)
By: Neptune45 5216 clicks
Text editor for FX-9860G v.1.51

This application is a program similar to windows notepad but for the calculator. With this program you can create text files to take notes, edit them or just view them on the calculator. Afterwards, you can download to the PC files created or upload new ones. The program is able ro read and write files in the main memory, storage memory or SD card.

These are the main features of the application:
- Text editor with four font sizes (lines x columns -> 21x8, 25x9, 32x9 and 32x10)
- Integrated file explorer for rename, copy, move o delete files.
- Integrated help screen.
- Text edition functions: clip,copy,cut,paste
- Word wrap feature
- Search string within text
- Insert any ASCII char not accesible by the keyboard.
- Setup screen to customize several options.

See readme.doc for more details.

***** Changes to the previous version 1.5 *****
- Bugfix: Clipboard buffer is not deleted if you copy text from one file and paste it into another one.
Uploaded by neptune452 commentsRating: 6.7/102008-11-26 (08:49 CET)
By: Rafael OROS 10226 clicks
Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:

En respuesta a los múltiples e_mails recibidos, el Equipo “XOROS”, presenta la versión DEMO Autorizada de “HXOROS”.

“HXOROS” es una aplicación escrita en un sotano…

“HXOROS” es una aplicación que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingeniería, tales como Ingeniería Civil, Ingeniería Agrícola, Ingeniería Hidráulica e inclusive Ingeniería Forestal.

“HXOROS” obtiene a partir de pocos datos los valores numéricos de las características hidráulicas de canales con figuras conocidas (rectangular, triangular, trapezial, circular), recurriendo a la conocida mundialmente “Formula de Manning”.

El interfaz de “HXOROS” es fácil de usar, usando un entorno de Menús en dos Paginas, y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS.

Las OPCIONES de “HXOROS” se accedan presionando EXE o F6, y se acompañan con iconos gráficos pequeños para orientar a los usuarios

Espero que disfrutéis de esta APLICACIÓN, la misma que viene con ejemplos típicos de Obtención de valores de Tirantes (en régimen Normal y Critico), y determinación de secciones de Máxima Eficiencia Hidráulica.

Si queréis estar informados sobre los manuales de esta Aplicación CASIO y…

Si tenéis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudéis en escribir a:

Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com

Muy Atentamente,

Equipo “XOROS”
Uploaded by Marcus Aurelius1 commentRating: 6/102008-10-13 (20:10 CEST)
By: Rafael OROS 10133 clicks
Estimados Amigos de Habla Hispana:

En respuesta a los múltiples e_mails recibidos, el Equipo \"XOROS\", presenta la versión DEMO Autorizada de \"X-Pgeo\".

\"X-Pgeo\" es una aplicación escrita en un garaje…

\"X-Pgeo\" es una aplicación que esta orientada a las carreras universitarias de Ingeniería, tales como Ingeniería Civil, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Industrial e inclusive Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica. Muchos estudiantes universitarios se preguntaban que escondían las columnas vacías del primer Lanzamiento de \"X-Pgeo\" en su versión inicial o INERCIAS 007

\"X-Pgeo\" obtiene a partir de pocos datos los valores numéricos de las propiedades geométricas de una sección simple o compuesta (varias figuras), recurriendo a los Procedimientos y Teoría del “TEOREMA de STEINER”.

El interfaz de \"X-Pgeo\" es fácil de usar, se basa en el tratamiento visual de figuras geométricas conocidas y los resultados pueden verse una y otra vez sin necesidad de re-ingresar nuevamente los DATOS.

\"X-Pgeo\" obtiene para una sección simple o compuesta los valores de Area, Posición del centroide en el eje X, Posición del Centroide en el eje Y, Momento de Inercia respecto al eje X, Momento de Inercia respecto al eje Y, Producto de Inercia respecto al Plano XY, Momento de Inercia Mínimo respecto a su propio eje X, Momento de Inercia Mínimo respecto a su propio eje Y, Producto de Inercia Minimo respecto a sus propios ejes centroidales.

\"X-Pgeo\" grafica con facilidad la(s) secciones ingresada(s) y visualiza todo el Procedimiento de Steiner, mediante una Hoja Electrónica, a la cual se puede acceder las veces que se requiera.

Espero que disfrutéis de esta APLICACIÓN, la misma que viene con dos ejemplos típicos y con recortes del código fuente en Lenguaje C.

Si queréis estar informados sobre los manuales de esta Aplicación CASIO y...

Si tenéis alguna pregunta o sugerencia no dudéis en escribir a:

Lentulino AT yahoo DOT com

Muy Atentamente,

Equipo \"XOROS\"
Uploaded by Marcus Aurelius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102008-10-13 (20:07 CEST)
By: Rafael Xoros 10035 clicks
Estimados amigos de habla Hispana:

XOROS Incorporated, presenta la aplicación “GEODESIA.G1A”, el cual es un programa que realiza conversiones de coordenadas geodesicas a cartesianas, cartesianas a geodesicas, cartesianas a UTM, etc.

“GEODESIA.G1A”, es un programa orientado a Ingeniería Civil y otras carreras universitarias que tratan el estudio de las mediciones terrestres, como material de algunas de sus materias obligatorias.

“GEODESIA.G1A”, como cualquier otro programa desarrollado por XOROS Inc., se ofrece en versión _ beta, es decir es una versión a prueba. Esto no significa que los resultados arrojados por el Programa sean inexactos… Al contrario estos son muy confiables, y se deja a los futuros usuarios la verificación de los mismos.

Espero que disfruteis de este programa...

Uploaded by Marco_Aurelio[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102008-09-08 (19:40 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 9833 clicks
Hola Amigos de habla Hispana:

He aqui un Programa en version Beta (Demo-version) para el calculo hidraulico de conducciones libres (CANALES). Este programa es muy poderoso porque puede trabajar en los dos sistemas de unidades conocidos a nivel mundial: el SI y el Ingles.

HXOROS es un programa desarrollado para estudiantes de Ingenieria Civil, con una interfaz facil de manejar y con resultados muy rapidos (demasiados rapidos diria Yo...)

HXOROS fue hecho a la medida de los estudiantes de habla hispana...

Si teneis algunas preguntas, no dudeis en escribirme a la direccion que aparece en el Menu Principal de HXOROS (Acerca de...)

Espero que disfruteis de este poderoso programa...
Uploaded by Titius_Bode[Write a comment]Rating: 7/102008-08-28 (23:11 CEST)
By: Rafael Oros 10142 clicks
Este Programa esta orientado a estudiantes universitarios que cursan estudios relacionados con las ciencias exactas y aplicadasç,tales comoingenieria civil, ingenieria industrial,electrica,electronica, etc.

El programa permite obtener las propiedades geometricas de seccionesen el PLANO (XY), es decir Area, centroideen X,centroide en Y, Momento deinerciaen X,Mmento de Inercia en Y, producto de Inercia, etc.

El Interfaz de este programa es facil de usar y fue desarrolladoen un GARAGE, por la firma "XOROS".

Disfruten de este Programa en version demo...

Existe unaversion mas versatil y poderosa, pero solo puede requerida por solicitud escrita a la direccion (en el Menu Principal, ACERCA de...)
Uploaded by Pretorius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102008-08-14 (21:37 CEST)
By: Rafael oros 10416 clicks
Es un programa para el calculo de volumenes de cuerpos. ESta escrito en lenguaje español Muchos mas programas se estan desarrollando en nuestro garage.

Por fin llego la hora de los hispanos parlantes
Uploaded by Pretorius[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102008-08-14 (01:32 CEST)
By: SimLo 1516 clicks
HULL 1.00, 26.04.2008

HULL is a software-based camouflaged data protection utililty.
It should prevent an intruder from deleting stored data.

Readme included
Uploaded by SimLo2 commentsRating: 5.5/102008-04-26 (16:23 CEST)
By: PierrotLL 1165 clicks

With Explorer, you can explore directory and sub-directory in storage memory and SD card.
You also can :
-Rename files and directorys
-Copy/cut/paste files and directorys
-Edit icons of others addins

But, there could be problem if you use sub-directory in storage memory. When you delete sub-directory in storage memory, if a directory exist with a same name at root of memory, it will be emptied.
Uploaded by PierrotLL[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102008-04-23 (16:52 CEST)
By: SimLo 882 clicks
Changes with version 1.03:

COPY and PASTE In edit-box-mode it is possible to COPY (C) the selected area into a clipboard.
In normal mode you can paste (N) the clipbord into the current bitmap.

In the 8x8 mode the keys + and - can be used to browse the FX-intrinsic symbols (about 700 samples). The internal number of the actually displayed FKey-icon is displayed below the bitmap.

Empty icons and symbols are skipped now.

The key EXP can be used to change the stepwidth when browsing icons and symbols.

With FX9860-BitmapEditor it is possible to edit 8x8 (4+1 color), 16x16 (4+1 color) and 21x8 (bw) bitmaps (on-calc). At present the bitmaps can be output as MLC BITM-definition or C-const defines ready to use in MLC- or C-source-code.
Includes access to about 1700 FX-intrinsic-bitmaps. Box-edit-mode. Copy and Paste.
Frame, fill, invert.
Readme included.
Uploaded by SimLo1 commentRating: 8/102008-04-09 (18:53 CEST)
By: kucalc 1882 clicks
Ever wanted to check the time? Read some text? Manage your files on the calculator? EXPLORER-fx can do all of that. No more switching between different applications just to do a single task, EXPLORER-fx puts it all together in a simple to use application.

* Text Reading
* Clock/Date
* File Browsing

File Browsing

Uploaded by kucalc[Write a comment][Rate this file]2008-01-27 (06:47 CET)
By: kucalc 8774 clicks
Symbolix Computer Algebra System - fx-9860G/fx-9860SD/Graph85/Graph85SD/fx-9860Slim

Symbolix provides the fx-9860 user with algebraic and symbolic manipulation tools at their fingertips.

* Simplification
* Polynomial expansion
* Polynomial factorization (rational factors)
* Factor quadratics (using quadratic equation)
* Collect coefficient
* Substitution
* Common factoring
* Differentiation


Polynomial Factorization

Polynomial Expansion

For comments and questions, visit the forum link: https://www.casiocalc.org/?showtopic=3632
Uploaded by ku74851 commentRating: 5/102008-01-03 (21:24 CET)
By: kucalc 1000 clicks
The MathWiz sega continues!!!

After rescuing MathWiz, help him save Planete-Casio from Bow-TI8x by destroying SNOWFAC.


- New Story + New Adventure + (Surprise Ending!?!?!)
- 7 All New Levels
- New Wacky Enemies
- Over 20 New Tile Graphics
- Eliminated "Jump-To-High-Crash-Calc" Bug

Visit the UCPF: http://ucpf.programbytes.com
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-12-15 (07:06 CET)
By: kucalc 875 clicks
Here's the award-winning MathWiz I game written for the CasioKingdom Competition that got 1st place. Help MathWiz save CasioKingdom and rescue Princess Quantum!!! The balance of the CASIO Universe lies in your hands!

* Beautiful graphics!!!
* Awesome adventure!!!

MathWiz is a 2D side scrolling game written for the CASIO fx-9860 Series and compatibles. MathWiz features some tricks not used before in previous game written for the CASIO fx-9860 Series such as a unique game engine written from scratch that implements a algorithm allowing ultra-fast redrawing of 12x12 bitmap graphics (previous games used 8x8 graphics), simultaneous movement along 2 axis’s (X and Y) and the ability to save your game.

1st Place Winner (2006/07 CasioKingdom International Category)

Visit the UCPF: http://ucpf.programbytes.com
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-12-15 (07:03 CET)
By: kucalc 1228 clicks
Have you ever dreamed of chatting with a friend using your calculator?

TERMINAL-fx is a small terminal emulator fx-9860G and compatibles. This program will allow you to communicate interactively simultaneously with another calculator or a computer. You'll need the appropriate cable for either calc-to-calc or calc-to-PC communication.

For questions, visit http://ucpf.programbytes.com
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-08-15 (04:31 CEST)
By: kucalc 6115 clicks
The classic puzzle game for the fx-9860G. Help is included in the game during startup at the menu by pressing [F3].

For questions, visit http://ucpf.programbytes.com
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment]Rating: 6/102007-08-08 (19:09 CEST)
By: kucalc 3996 clicks
Remember the classic game from the 80's called TRON? Here it is again, this time on your CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. A simple strategic racing game, battle against 4 AIs. Future versions may provide calc-to-calc gaming when I get the time.

TRON for the fx-9860G with grayscales

For questions, visit http://ucpf.programbytes.com
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment]Rating: 5/102007-07-30 (05:18 CEST)
By: Cesar Freire 4030 clicks
"Units" is a conversion add-in for Casio fx-9860.
It knows about 200 different units of measurement.

It can convert: Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature, Pressure, Power, Energy, Data storage, Bandwidth, Time, Frequency, Speed, Acceleration, Force and Volume Flow Rate.

Often we want to convert between SI units, like "meter" or "kilogram", and Imperial units or US customary units, like "psi" or "gallon" and the fx-9860 doesn't have that science tool. So I've decided to write this program to help me out.

For more informations on calculations about units of measurement, please see:

All units' names are printed in English although I'm planning on a translation scheme.
Uploaded by cfreire4 commentsRating: 8.8/102007-06-12 (00:54 CEST)
By: Menno de Bes 5295 clicks
Hey all,

I made a pacman clone, i hope you enjoy it.

It is played with the arrow keys

OPTN key pauzes the game

Update: Update

- now pacman chops (opens and closes mouth)
- pacman faces the right direction
- there is a third ghost
- all ghosts have improved AI and all hunt you
- when pressing "menu" an exit dialogue appears, "exit" exits, "exe"returns to the game
- four new levels added
- cosmetics
- menu to set up number of ghosts
- press "shift" to add or loose ghosts
Uploaded by Menno[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-05-27 (12:49 CEST)
By: Menno de Bes 1732 clicks
Hey all,

I rewrote casio pool into an SDK add-in, it now features a very realistic collision model with angle and impuls distribution :). The SDK enabled so much power the game is now played with 10 balls and one white ball.

The game is easy to operate,

when starting you need to place the white ball along a line with the up and down arrow. When you have placed the white ball, press enter, now the cue appears, with the left and right arrow keys you can set the angle of the cue.

With the up and down arrow you can set the force of the the hit. press enter and be amazed about the high reality collisons and movement of the balls 8) 8) (it took me a while to get it this way)

The bar that represented the force of the hit now represents the balls that are in the pocket. When you pocket a white ball you can place it again along the line

so the main keys are up down left right and exe

with menu and exit you exit the application

please try the game and tell me if you like it (rate it, comment it whatever :) )

gameupdate 1 (v2):

optn key while aiming shows trajectory

you have limited white balls

fixed some intercollision bugs

game update 2 (v3.1):

I have added the option to play with 6 holes

I have added the option to play with 8 whiteballs instead of 4

I have added the option to play carambole (no gamerules yet)

I fixed the bug where you could place a white ball in a black ball during whiteball placement (thanks CFX Master)

I fixed the bug where the ball would shoot full speed when selecting speed 0 (thanks CFX Master)

I fixed some intercollision problems

I fixed the bug where sometimes a ball dissapeared in the side (got caught)

have fun

Uploaded by Menno1 commentRating: 10/102007-05-18 (17:44 CEST)
By: Menno de Bes 2497 clicks
Casio Arkanoid June 1 2007 by Menno

Arkanoid/Breakout clone. Release version 3. This gamer features infinite levels, 5 speedsettings, a pause button, a teacher/boss button and 8 different bonus/ powerups. I did a complete remake after the CasioKingdom contest. I took the jury's comments serious and tried to complete the game as they suggested.


EXE = Do, start

Arrow up = fire ball

Arrows left/right = move paddle

shift = boss/ teacher button (F1 exits)

optn = pause game

exit = exit game


Heart = extra life

Skull = lose a life

10 = ten extra points

S = Slow paddle

F = fireball, breaks through all bricks

M = Magnetic bat

L = Long bat

N = goto next level

every time you level up you gain a life

there are 5 fixed levels, after that the levels are generated random.

Have fun


Updates for Version 4:

Key map:

EXE: Goto next screen EXE: Fire Ball UP/Down: Aim ball Left/Right: Move pad Menu: Exit dialogue (exit key exits, EXE returns to game)
VARS: overall gamespeed (specially for CPUSPEED users)
OPTN: Pause screen SHIFT: Teacher/Boss screen (from here you can also shut down the calc)
AC: cheat to next level (all points of the previous level are added)


Heart: extra life/pad Skull: lose life/pad P: 100 extra points L: extended pad M: magnetic pad S: game slows down F: fireball N: skip to new level

The power-ups have been changed to,
fireball mode&; every block value is added to the points (in the previous version you'd get 1 point for every block destroyed)

P; in the previous version you&'d get 10 points, now you get 100

N; when going to next level, all the remaining points of the skipped level are added.

S; in the previous version only the pad slowed down, now the whole game slows down.

Update 5:

- AC no more skips to next level, now you can choose your start level at the beginning
- thicker pad
- slow powerup now only slows down pad
- cosmetics
Uploaded by Menno1 commentRating: 10/102007-04-30 (13:36 CEST)
By: kucalc 1580 clicks
This utility allows you to access the hidden DIAGNOSTIC menu on your fx-9860. This utility is known to work on the following models with OS v1.3 only:

* fx-9860G
* fx-9860SD
Uploaded by ku74852 commentsRating: 7.5/102007-04-19 (02:00 CEST)
By: Menno 3737 clicks
Hey all,

I have finished my Extended Casio Watch The main screen has been changed to harbour the new functions:

As you can see F2 sets the AM/PM setting:

I have also added a stopwatch, counting in steps of 25 ms. It can be stopped and started again (continous counting) or cleared.

And last there is a moonphase representation. Be aware that there is a Northern and Southern Hemisphere version of the Extended Digital Watch, that is because the moonphases are reversed.

Northern Hemisphere:

Southern Hemisphere:

I have made a new upload in the download section, because it is a complete new digital watch and i reconned not everyone wants an extended version, so the simple version will be available in the old upload.

Uploaded by Menno[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-04-15 (09:14 CEST)
By: Menno de Bes 2112 clicks

The Casio Digital Watch was created on saturday march 17 2007 using the Epsilon library created by Kucalc.

The digital watch is quite simple to operate,

Menu returns to main menu.
function key 1 (F1) gets you to the settings menu

in the settings menu you can use the up and down arrow to set the appropriate values when the appropriate value is set press exe to set the next value

bugfix: Hours can be set now
Uploaded by Menno1 commentRating: 10/102007-03-18 (08:28 CET)
By: vanhoa 7627 clicks
Some basic instructions:

*Press [F4] when inputting text change the case.
*Press [F3] to set view window.
*Roates by curs.
*Zoom by [+]/[-].
Uploaded by vanhoa3 commentsRating: 9.7/102007-03-13 (21:31 CET)
By: kucalc 2283 clicks

Written by kucalc
(C) 2007 Contact: kucalc AT gmail DOT com

This utility doubles the speed of your calculator. Just run the utility and you will notice the speed change. The CPU's speed will stay changed until you do a reset.

To use this utility download it into your calculator. Use the [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4] keys to change the speeds.After changing the frequency, press [MENU].

Fixed: CPUSPEED now resets for you, instead of having you reset the calculator your self.

This utility is made with EPSILON.
Uploaded by ku74852 commentsRating: 8/102007-03-13 (14:44 CET)
By: vanhoa 818 clicks
The object of the game is to collect all of the coins scattered about in each level,
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-03-12 (16:48 CET)
By: kucalc 2115 clicks
Clock is a simple utility that keeps track of the time, month and day. It uses the fx-9860 RTC (Real-Time Clock) to function. This add-in is written in both assembly (assembly to access the RTC) and C. Even when you turn off your calculator it will still keep track of time.

Readme and instructions are included. README file is compatible with my TXTREADER application.

Update: Now it supports years and dates. I also cleaned up the display, now it looks a bit cleaner.
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-03-10 (08:15 CET)
By: vanhoa 596 clicks
A puzzle-type game where you try to get all the lights turned on, but turning on one turns off or turns on others.
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-03-05 (13:19 CET)
By: vanhoa 991 clicks
This is the traffic jam puzzle!

The objectis to move the BLACK block out of the grid by repositioning all the OTHER blocks.

-Curs:Move cur
-[Alpha]+Curs: move car
Uploaded by vanhoa1 commentRating: 6/102007-03-05 (12:19 CET)
By: vanhoa 1769 clicks
Curs: scroll
[Menu]: Country select
Uploaded by vanhoa1 commentRating: 6/102007-03-04 (14:18 CET)
By: vanhoa 635 clicks
Curs: move
[Exit]: exit
[Del]: restart

Uploaded by vanhoa1 commentRating: 8/102007-03-01 (14:10 CET)
By: kucalc 25016 clicks
Tired of E-activities? Now you can type up text files on your computer and read them on your calculator! TXTREAD is a useful add-in. For more help, read the README.txt file (look at the screenshot):

Take a look!


v2.00 Released!
* Completely rewritten & new menu interface
* Supports more characters
* Line wrapping
* Supports SD cards for fx-9860SD & Graph85SD models
* Now you can open as many text files as you like in a single run
* Size of addin cut down to only a third of the previous version (v1.50)

If you have any questions, visit http://ucpf.programbytes.com
Uploaded by ku74855 commentsRating: 7/102007-02-26 (06:05 CET)
By: vanhoa 1198 clicks
Curs: move.
[Del]: new level.
[Option]: view map.
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-02-25 (21:55 CET)
By: kucalc 1627 clicks
Current Status: Demonstration v1.00

Thunderbird strives to be the BEST space shooting game for the fx-9860. As TIs have Phoenix, Thunderbird is the CASIO's counterpart except better!

* Impressive graphics!
* Different weapons: Single laser, twin lasers, missiles, plasma cannon and megabombs
* Vertical scrolling background
* Actual sprite explosions (Not some cheesy circles like in Alien Invasion: Alpha Force!)
* Plus its fast! (I believe it executes over 50fps)

Visit the UCF thread: https://www.casiocalc.org/?showtopic=3205

To entice your appetite:

Screenshot 1 (Impressive eh? Try it out and download!)

Screenshot 2
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-02-23 (15:25 CET)
By: vanhoa 11407 clicks
[Shift]/[Alpha] : A/B Left/Right: Move.

Screen shot:

(Note: this ss is ver 1.46)
This game is still in developement.

Level editer:http://esnips.com/doc/3744bd0f-663b-4155-8eea-ef8e9a7f506f/Level-Editer
Uploaded by vanhoa2 commentsRating: 3.7/102007-02-21 (22:18 CET)
By: vanhoa 11381 clicks
This is a MOD of the popular space shooting game Alien Invasion! This version features bigger, better explosions, targeting missles, cooler looking lasers, new graphics, and much much more! Check it out!

Screen shot:

alpha force by vanhoa
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment]Rating: 9/102007-02-21 (12:02 CET)
By: vanhoa 1059 clicks
Try it!
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment]Rating: 9.5/102007-02-19 (12:57 CET)
By: vanhoa 1335 clicks
Try it!
Uploaded by vanhoa1 commentRating: 8/102007-02-19 (12:54 CET)
By: Menno de Bes 687 clicks

See my Casio Patience Deluxe Basic version for a description. This version is similar only written in C. The drawing of the screen is much faster so gameplay is nicer.

Beta2 bugfix:
Pasting aces bug fixed (thanks eew)

new option: alpha causes a re-shuffle (for eew)

bugfix: At the end of the game there where some bugs (thanks eew)
new option: 'optn' key brings you to a menu where you can choose the number of cards to be drawn or a re-shuffle new: The game knows when you have won, simple winning sequence
Uploaded by Menno[Write a comment]Rating: 8/102007-02-18 (14:44 CET)
By: kucalc 1815 clicks

Blinky (A Clone Of PacMan!)


Re-live the classics! Play Joust, Tetris, Missile Defense and Blinky (A clone of PacMan). Now you can play CHIP-8 and Super CHIP-8 games on your calculator. More help and info on the keys and usage on included in the RAR. Please read the README file included in the RAR.

Also included as a BONUS is CHIPPER. An assembler that allows you to create your own S/CHIP-8 games!



* 2/18/07 v1.00 - Fixed bug that causes the game to quit randomly in such games as JOUST and ANT.
- Added ability to change delay while emulator is running.
- Added PAUSE mode.
- Added virtual CHIP-8 reset function.
Uploaded by ku74851 commentRating: 5.5/102007-02-17 (09:13 CET)
By: vanhoa 902 clicks
Casio-Con45 is a clone of the well-known Connect-4 game for the fx9860, where you have to connect a specific number of pieces horizontally, vertically or diagonally to win the game. The original gameplay is extended to use different board sizes and different numbers of pieces to connect (Connect-4/Connect-5). The built-in AI is VERY sophisticated and uses AlphaBeta-Searching.
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment]Rating: 8/102007-02-12 (04:41 CET)
By: vanhoa 597 clicks
TI-TiltMaze is a simple tilt maze puzzle for the 9860 with 2 balls and 41 different levels. By using the cursor key you can tilt the board in that direction. A level is solved when both balls cover both destination fields.
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-02-09 (19:58 CET)
By: vanhoa 664 clicks
Contain 4 games:
*Aspirin (Many bugs fixed)
*Brick maze
Uploaded by vanhoa[Write a comment]Rating: 5/102007-02-09 (05:41 CET)
By: kucalc 1351 clicks
How to play:
Basically, you move the boxes, so they fill up the positions of the circles.

RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN & UP arrow keys - Moves CasioMan, or whatever he is called...
[F1] - Go back to previous map
[F2] - Go to next map
[F3] - Restarts the level
[MENU] - Exits out of the game

Sample screenshot:


* Quick drawn graphics
* 21 different puzzles
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment]Rating: 6/102007-02-01 (15:12 CET)
By: kucalc 5608 clicks
A fun and addictive game for the fx-9860. The object of the game to defend the planet from the Space Invaders. You are given 99 shields and 1 cannon to accomplish the task. The level of difficulty increases as the level progresses and also as you go into the next level. Gameplay and help is included in the RAR.



Playing the game...

Version 1.01 has now been released. Features improved gameplay and optimizations.

* New invader sprite
* Invaders move in closer as you destroy each row like the original!
Uploaded by ku7485[Write a comment]Rating: 8/102007-01-27 (10:25 CET)
By: vanhoa 2022 clicks
This game is an adaptation of a (old) macintosh game named Aspirin.

Keys :
The 4 arrows to move, [ESC] to quit, [EXE] to pause the game, [EXE] again to end the pause.

Goal :
Catch as many as possible little squares with the small dot that you control with the arrows while dodging the increasing number of little moving spikes.

Screen shots:
Aspirin by vanhoa
Uploaded by vanhoa1 commentRating: 9/102007-01-26 (18:15 CET)
By: vanhoa 4830 clicks
Fill the cells with number keys [0-9], move by cursors, load new lvl by [Del], exit by [Menu].

Screen shots:
Sudoku by vanhoa
Uploaded by vanhoa1 commentRating: 8.7/102007-01-25 (15:30 CET)
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