| By: ndzamana | 198 clicks | Japanese abacus

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| By: ndzamana | 205 clicks | Chinese abacus

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| By: Ndzamana | 247 clicks | Nonograms or Paint by Numbers are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.
In this game you can solve and make your own nonograms. In file "Lzadania" there are 20 tasks to solve.
I haven't translate it yet into english but polish is simple :) Translation in Readme file ;)
Have a fun! :)
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| By: Kilburn | 404 clicks |   
This is an experimental space shooter which has been the first testing of my (unreleased) game engine.
It currently has only one short level, 8 different enemies, and an upgrade purchasing system (you can buy weapon and ship upgrades with your score).
You will need CPLua 0.8 to run this, it doesn't support CPLua 0.9.
Left/Right/Up/Down: Move ship, navigate in menus
=: Primary fire, select menu item
<-: Secondary fire, delete saved game in the Load menu
0: Exit level
Your ship has 2 energy sources. The main one, showed by a battery with the number 1 on it, is used for firing the primary weapon and recharging your shield (if you have one).
The secondary one is only used for firing the secondary weapon. It will recharge very slowly, and it is empty if you don't have a secondary weapon.
The better generator you have, the faster your energy sources will charge.
Note that shields are very energy consuming, so don't get a too powerful one if you have a weak generator.
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| By: Aristos | 702 clicks | The Bode diagram in graphical form with the gain and phase in different areas on the same screen. Up to 3 Bode functions on the same screen. The graphical and numerical values of the gain and phase margins.
Added to an improved LAC_002. | | |
| By: Michael M. (Hobart) | 365 clicks | This is a function library that can show simple three-dimensional objects. It is made for CPLua version 0.9E at least. More in the ReadMe file. | | |
| By: Aristos | 579 clicks | This file contains 3 automatic control functions and some auxiliary functions:
1) RootP: finds all roots of a polynomial 2) Residue: performs the partial fraction expansion of a quotient of two polynomials 3) StepUnit: obtains the unit step temporal response of a linear system: graphically and numeric
There is a pdf file with the functions description and examples of use. | | |
| By: Aristos | 356 clicks | RootP is a program to find all roots, real and imaginary, of the polynomials.
See the 'readme' to use it. | | |
| By: Aristos | 275 clicks | This is a program to find all real and imaginary roots of a polynomial.
It's based on Durand-Kerner method. Previously it's necessary to find multiple roots and remove all them. | | |
| By: Hobart | 312 clicks | That's the last version of my Clickomania. I don't know what to add more... So try to enjoy it! | | |
| By: vanhoa | 799 clicks | Screen shot:
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| By: Jan Saganowski | 546 clicks | An advanced Periodic Table application written in CPLUA. Easy to customize and use. Now features a function that calculates the molecular mass of compounds. | | |
| By: Far2055 | 494 clicks | This CPLua program can animate functions or any thing that draw on the screen.
very simple to use.
example included. | | |
| By: vanhoa | 416 clicks | A powerful graph package for Cla$$padlua. Read 'readme.doc' before use. | | |
| By: Fabri | 386 clicks | Draws functions type y=f(x) and x=f(y) and if you wish you can display the coordinates of the graph now supports multigraph and thickness lines | | |
| By: vanhoa | 1034 clicks | This is a simple mario for cp.
9: right 8: left 6: down 0: jump 5: stop

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| By: PAP | 1638 clicks | LNA is a library of Numerical Analysis functions, together with utility and plotting functions. All functions are written in CPLua.
LNA is released under the GNU General Public Licence, and comes with full documentation, including detailed explanation of all LNA functions, many examples and guidelines.
Latest version is 1.60. Topics covered:
(1) Fast function plotting, with or without discontinuities.
(2) Data plotting (may be combined with function plotting).
(3) "Infinity" plots, ideal for examining the behavior of a function as x goes to +infinity or -infinity.
All plotting functions have several options for modifying axes, tics, tic labels, grid, etc.
(1) One root finding, using Bisection, Newton-Raphson, and Brent methods.
(2) Many roots finding, using Kronecker-Picard theory.
(3) LU decomposition and its applications (solving linear systems, computing the determinant or the inverse of a matrix).
(4) Solving tridiagonal systems.
(5) Computing a Jacobian matrix numerically.
(6) Solving nonlinear systems using Broyden's method.
(7) Interpolation and extrapolation (linear or using cubic splines), including approximation of derivatives.
(8) Nonlinear curve fitting, using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
(9) Numerical integration (quadrature), using Adaptive Trapezoidal or Romberg's methods.
(10) Solving initial value problems, using a Runge-Kutta method with adaptive stepsize control and Richardson extrapolation.
(11) Solving boundary value problems using a shooting method, able to solve systems of high-order differential equations with respect to Dirichlet, Neumann, and/or Robin boundary conditions. | | |
| By: Kilburn | 466 clicks | This is a simple package that allows font management in CPLua. Basic CP font and Lua font are already included, with a font converter. Read the "readme.txt" file to see all the font package functions. | | |
| By: j_naoe | 347 clicks | Hello it's my first real file in the beautiful language that is the Lua It's a funny clock where you can set the date and the time.
I'm sorry but I'm french so this file is in french I don't think that I create this in English So if you want, you can create the translation if you send me the file good day | | |
| By: Major | 584 clicks | Here is the second version of analogical_clock for CPLua 0.8RC4 : now you can define the time directly by moving the hands, which move progressively. | | |
| By: Major | 313 clicks | Here is an analogical clock for CPLua 0.8RC4 : the time is automatically updated, but you can define it yourselves, the date and the year are also displayed. Unfortunately there is a problem with the emulator of CPlua which will be fixed soon. Enjoy it ! | | |
| By: Kilburn | 566 clicks | This is a menu, like MyPrograms, entirely programmed with CPLua, that allows you to run your favourite Lua programs. You can use all MyPrograms features, and you can add user created icons.
My Lua Programs requires CPLua 0.8RC3 or higher.
Have fun! | | |
| By: Tchernoben | 404 clicks | Here is a pong in false3D, It's like the Killburn's Asteroids.
In fact, by modifying the radius of a circles you can produce the illusion of 3D.
You can only play versus the Classpad, I programmed a STUPID AI for playing alone ^^
There will be no further version of it because I made It many weeks ago and I don't remember how :s
Enjoy even if it's not really diffictult to win ;) | | |
| By: Narmo | 443 clicks | "Life" was written bye Narmo, it shows how fast Lua can be. It could be tweaked up a little, but works fast even without it. | | |
| By: Tchernoben | 466 clicks | Spaxe is the second beta version of a Space-Impact like. More details in the readme file | | |
| By: Kilburn | 702 clicks | A Lua programs set for CPLua 0.64. Contains Tower of Hanoi, Breaker and three 3D graph programs. Have fun! | | |