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programs in Basic for CP300

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By: Jerry Butler 309 clicks
Quadratic Point Calculator

Determines y-intercept, discriminant, x-intercepts (if any), and turning point of a quadratic equation given in the format (ax^2+bx+c=0).

Its written in BASIC. Ive added in 'printing' of the actual formula/equation it calculates, so students can see exactly how the answer was derived.

By Jerry - www.def.net.au, 2009.
If you want to contact me, try www.casiocalc.org forums (butler_123 / Jerry ).
Uploaded by butler_123[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102009-06-14 (05:14 CEST)
By: Jerry Butler 400 clicks
Simpson's Rule Area Calculator

For area calculation of uneven areas. If you don't know what Simpson's rule is then this won't be much use to you. Its written in BASIC. Ive added in 'printing' of the actual equation it calculates, so students can see exactly how the answer was derived.

***Update from 1.0 to 1.1***
This update has just had a function added to split equation results into lines of 50chrs in length, so the text will wrap automatically.
By Jerry - www.def.net.au, 2009.
Uploaded by butler_123[Write a comment][Rate this file]2009-06-13 (11:16 CEST)
By: Jerry Butler 315 clicks
Trapezoidal Rule Area Calculator

For area calculation of uneven areas using Trapezoidal Rule.

If you don't know what Trapezoidal rule is then this won't be much use to you.

Its written in BASIC. Ive added in 'printing' of the actual equation it calculates, so students can see exactly how the answer was derived.

Has auto-text-wrapping, so you can read the entire equation - lines are automatically split at 50chrs.

By Jerry - www.def.net.au, 2009.
If you want to contact me, try www.casiocalc.org forums (butler_123 / Jerry ).
Uploaded by butler_123[Write a comment][Rate this file]2009-06-13 (11:09 CEST)
By: Jerry Butler 276 clicks
Linear Equation Calculator

Using 2 (X,Y) points, the program determines linear equation of a line in y=mx+c format.
Also calculates the gradient (slope), and y-intercept.

Its written in BASIC. Ive added in 'printing' of the actual equation it calculates, so students can see exactly how the answer was derived.

By Jerry - www.def.net.au, 2009.
Uploaded by butler_123[Write a comment]Rating: 5/102009-06-13 (09:18 CEST)
By: Far2055 433 clicks
A complete replacement for CP BaseConvert() function. ReadMe included for instructions.
Uploaded by far2055[Write a comment][Rate this file]2008-06-05 (10:40 CEST)
By: Felipe Riquelme Merino 797 clicks
Programa que realiza calculos iterativos por el metodo de la biseccion utiliza solo un ciclo "for" por lo cual es bastante rapido, ademas de incluir los criterios de convergencia del metodo, muestra resultados en forma matricial de esta forma se observan los resultados con una mayor claridad....

Program iterative calculations performed by the method of biseccion uses only one cycle "for" making it quite quickly, as well as to include the convergence criteria of the method, sample results in matrix form in this way the results are observed with greater clarity

Uploaded by FelipeRM1[Write a comment]Rating: 5/102008-01-30 (19:54 CET)
By: Colombia 270 clicks
This function can remove a row and a column of any matrix.

It will useful into some programs.
Uploaded by Colombia[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-10-29 (01:50 CET)
By: Colombia 289 clicks
This program can help you to transform a parameter matrix into the other ones.

If you have only one parameter matrix you can have all the parameter matrix on the two port ciurcuit. You will have Z parameter matrix, Y parameter matrix, h parameter matrix, gparameter matrix and T parameter matrix.
Uploaded by Colombia[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-06-16 (02:30 CEST)
By: Colombia 499 clicks
This program is able to calculated the voltage to each node. And return, also, the impedance equivalent to each node and the Y bus

Very useful to three-phase electrical system analisys.
Uploaded by Colombia[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-04-11 (22:37 CEST)
By: Gualberto Soto sivila 2046 clicks
Aqui tienen la Segunda version del programa de Metodos Numericos para la Classpad 300
Uploaded by Chicheño[Write a comment]Rating: 5/102007-02-08 (16:34 CET)
By: Gualberto Soto sivila 707 clicks
Aqui tienen la Segunda version del Programa de Metodos Numericos para la Classpad 300
Uploaded by Chicheño[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-02-08 (16:28 CET)
By: Gualberto Soto Sivila 3173 clicks
Algunos Metodos Numericos Realizados para la Classpad 300 en una version inicial:
Contiene los siguientes Metodos para Ecuaciones no lineales Biseccion, Regla Falsa, Punto Fijo, Secante, Newton Raphson de 1er Orden, Newton Raphson de 2do Orden Sistema de Ecuaciones Lineales Gauss, Jordan, Seidel, Jacobi, Descomposicion LU, Matriz Inversa.
Para lo posterior agregare otros metodos para Sistemas de Ecuaciones no Lineales, Derivacion Numerica, Interpolacion Numerica, Integracion Numerica, Ecuaciones Diferenciales.

Cualquier duda solo ecribe a este correo betho.casio AT gmail DOT com
Uploaded by Chicheño1 commentRating: 5/102006-09-27 (17:23 CEST)
By: Filip Georgijev 505 clicks
New program: Research (fully resistant to every of hacker eActivities). All the shared variables moved to library...
This is all that I have made for the program contest. Now I hope that you like it. Bye!
Uploaded by CrimsonCasio[Write a comment][Rate this file]2005-06-13 (17:14 CEST)
By: qwerty841 359 clicks
You enter a number to divide into and a number to divide by then the program tells you the quotient, remainder, and approximate value.
Uploaded by qwerty841[Write a comment][Rate this file]2004-04-27 (01:09 CEST)
By: CrimsonCasio 1041 clicks
CasPaint is the largest, most complex, and most powerfull graphic design tool available for a calculator, with a little time and effort you can make beutiful pictures.
Uploaded by CrimsonCasio[Write a comment][Rate this file]2004-02-14 (17:44 CET)
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